The committee consists of a volunteer group of parents and supporters, elected each year at the AGM. The committee's duties are very wide ranging. Finances, membership, pool hire, arranging competitions, discipline, social activities, coaching matters and matters involving Swim England are just a few. If you have any ideas or proposals for improving the Club in any way, please contact any Committee member.
Would you like to become a Committee member? Let us know.

Club Chair
Marion Marsland

Heather Robinson

Natalie Smithwhite

Membership Officer
Claire Onions

Swim Mark Co-Ordinator

Competition Secretary
Heather Robinson

Welfare Officer
If you have concerns about any swimmer(s) ‘ welfare safety or feel they are at risk in association with their participation in club activities we recommend you contact the Welfare Officer who will then contact you asap.
IMPORTANT:DEAR MEMBERS, we are currently in the process of changing Welfare Officer at the club. Our new Welfare Officer Julie Best will be in in post from 31-01-2024. Between now and the 31st the the interim CWO will be Christine Roskilly who can be contacted on 07764684787 or