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Do we have to be a member of Teesdale Leisure Centre(TLC)  to swim with TTS?                                               

Though all sessions are at  TLC, it  is  not  necessary to  be a member of the TLC as we operate independently  from this  council–run pool.


What level of swimming is  required for entry to the club?                                                                                                         

Level 6-7 swimming proficiency is a recommended, though evaluation in trial sessions is equally important as individual swimmers' abilities (see this  SE link for  details: )


Does TTS offer free trial sessions?                                                                                                                                      

We offers up to 2 free sessions to  swimmers applying for  membership. This allows coaches to  evaluate  level s of proficiency  but also  importantly allows swimmers and their  parents to  consider whether the club offers what  they  are looking for. Please notify committee by

e-mailing us at about intended dates you  wish to  use these trial sessions.


Where do we access forms?                                                                                                                                                      

All forms required to  join (application/medical  and code of conduct) are to  be  found under  ‘Join Us’ on this  TTS  website.


Who do we send forms back to?                                                                                                                                   

Where ever possible, please fill the forms in electronically, save them to  your  device and  send to  A committee member will process these forms and confirm receipt. (If you are having trouble then print the forms and fill them in and re-scan and send to the same  TTS e-mail)


When do training sessions take place?                                                                                                                                             

Sunday mornings 08:00-09:00; Monday evenings 18:00-20:00 and Thursday evenings 18:00-20:00. The swimmers can use the whole (2 hours) or a part (1-hour slot) in these evening sessions.


Does TTS have a squad structure?                                                                                                                                            

At present  TTS  has a squad structure with  swimmers divided into Development Squad with  anticipated 2x1 hour per  week; Junior  Competetive  Squad with  up 3-4 hours per  week and  Senior Competetive Squad with 5 hours  per  week.


How much  does it  cost  to  train with TTS?                                                                                                                                     

TTS offers  up to 5 hours of training time  per  week  and  monthly  fees are  based on the squad the swimmer is part of:

  • 1-2 hours/week: £34 / month

  • 3 hours/week: £44 / month

  • 4 hours/week: £51 / month

  • 5 hours/week: £57.50 / month

Can we pay as we go for individual sessions?                                                                                                              

Once you  have decided to  join TTS  you  will  be  asked to  fill in a Direct Debit  mandate  for annual and  monthly payments. You will receive an e-mail notification when a DD amount is withdrawn from your account.


Is there a membership fee?                                                                                                                                                        

TTS charges an annual fee of £24.00. This fee supports the club in maintaining the framework of operations, website and IT/web-based admin systems.


What are the Swim England fees for?                                                                                                                        

All  swimmers  at a SE accredited club are  required to  pay a membership fee at  one of  two  levels: Basic @ £17.50/year* (info:  ) and  Category 2 @£35.00.* (info:  )#

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